Tuesday, October 2, 2007


EAP2, writing workshop

‘Good influence of after school job’

According to ‘BestCareerLinks.com’ fosters after school job, “Part time student jobs are a great way to pay your way through college, or provide extra money,…a way to “get a feel” for the nature of a particular career.”(2007, para1.) As far as I experience, after school jobs have a lot of benefits for teens because these improve teens’ social skills, choose a real job easily and manage teens’ better school life effectively.

To begin with, after school jobs encourage teens’ social skill because part time job follows a lot of responsibilities. For example, if we have part time jobs, we have to go on time and work specific time for a monthly salary. It obviously enhances teens’ sense of responsibility. Another reason is that part time jobs improve teens’ sense of partnership. As one might expect, most of part time jobs are not doing it alone but doing with others. That is why sometimes we are able to experience lots of situations such as having a bitter time or having a good time. One of my friends, Tim had a part time job in family restaurant when he was teenager. At that time, I just thought that he spent waste of time in school life. However, now I think that his choice was better than mine because he always did well in our group study. When we had a meeting for group study, he usually led our group.
In addition, part time jobs make teens’ choose a real job easily. When we choose after school job, we think over our interests. Thus, we choose something after school job, it could be relative our future job. One of my female friends, Ji yun, she usually work in Cafe’ after school. Now, her dream is to be Barista who makes good quality coffee. Definitely, it is that real experience encourages someone’s future job. Another reason is that part time jobs make teens concentrate their class. It also enhances someone who can decide a job easily. Many real experiences stimulate teens’ interests. That is why these interests move on their class hour. As previously mentioned, Ji yun, she could not find point of study in school life before working. However, after doing part time job, she got a passion to study her interests.

Finally, if teens have after school job, they can carry on their school life better than someone who does not have after school job because teens who have after school job are able to spend their time efficiently. As previously mention, my friend, Tim controled his time effectively. For example, he had his own timetable because he had to do lots of things such as part time job, homework and working out, so he always did his best. Obviously, it makes me impress. Another reason is that teens who have after school job can earn money. It also allows teens operate their better school life because they afford to buy their wants by fair ways. Usually, most of teenagers like shopping and they are sensitive their fashion trends. Accordingly, after school job is one of good solution to satisfy their desire what they want to buy and what they want to do.
Opponents of after school jobs claim that it makes teens deprive of their study time because teens have to spend lots of time in work place. However, this assertion is very small part of defects. In fact, after school jobs have a lot more beneficial things than shortcomings. Definitely, part time jobs enhance teens’ collaboration. As we know, work places have a lot of employees so that teens have to make relationship whether they like or not. That is why this discipline encourages teenagers’ social skills. Also, after school jobs make teens’ choose a real job effectively. As previously mentioned, part time jobs usually reflect teens’ desire what they want to do. It should be helpful in order to get a real job.

In conclusion, after school job has a lot of advantages for teens’ life. Obviously, part time student jobs are big challenge for most of teenagers. Some people argue that students have to concentrate their duty which study hard. However, after school job firmly necessary experience for school life in terms of improving social skill, choosing a real job easily and managing teens’ better life.


For the part time student jobs. (2007) Internships and Jobs for students. Retrieved September 7, 2007, from http://www.BestCareerLinks.com

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